I was really looking forward to meeting this beautiful baby girl for this studio session. Having photographed her big brother when he was just a tiny newborn, I was excited to see him again as a toddler. I just love it when they come back with oodles of personality! Babies really do grow up so fast!
Miss M was a darling baby to photograph. With her beautiful smooth skin and minimal hair, she was an absolute doll.
Heres a little secret:
Big brother did not want to be near his new little sister. I was warned by her parents I may not be able to get one of them both together as they have tried themselves since her birth. They were right! On this day, he refused to have a photo taken with her but I could see it was really important to my clients so I just made it happen in post processing. I photographed him on his own with his parents tempting him with food on the beanbag and then composited an image of the two of them together taking one of Miss M’s solo bean bag shots. The sibling image in the galley below were two separate images 🙂
This is such a common scenario with toddlers and their new baby brothers or sisters that even if I cannot get them together during the actual photo session, I will still be able to give the parents that much wanted image of their two (or more) children together 🙂