Milestone Session: 6 Months Miss P

Baby Milestone Session: 6 Months Miss P

Baby Milestone Session

If theres one session I look forward to the most, it would have to be the baby milestone session. Its just so exciting for me seeing my little mini newborn clients come back with a whole heap of personality and lots and lots of smiles and giggles! They do change so fast, its hard to believe that this little sweetheart was just a little tiny bundle of goodness at when I first photographed her at 11 days old. I’m almost positive she slept the entire time for her newborn session, and here she is now, all grown up, as cute as ever, wide awake and full of gorgeous chubby 6 months personality!

See her newborn session here

These quick milestone sessions are only 20 to 30 minutes long and just the perfect amount of time for the older baby to come in, get warmed up, enjoy themselves for a little while before losing interest and giving up on the whole idea of having their photos taken :))). I usually ask that parents bring baby in already dressed and ready to go if possible and I always encourage the parents to jump in and have a few photos taken with their baby as well. This serves two purposes. For the shy baby, its always comforting to have their Mum or Dad nearby and secondly, its the perfect opportunity to have some updated photos to look back on in years to come.