Look! I’m In A Book

Hi guys! Just wanted to share with you a quick look at a bit of a side project I’ve been working on in addition to photographing cute newborns and beautiful expectant mothers. Many of you already know that before I decided to specialise in Maternity and Newborn Photography I used to do composite photography at my Creative Looks Photography Wembley Studio where I created children’s fantasy and fairy-tale photos for my clients.

I have always had an interest in compositing, and in fact, the creative/artist side of me frankly needs that kind of outlet. 🙂 That’s why earlier this year (2018) I decided to start Look! I’m In A Book where I create Personalized Children’s Storybooks using the child’s Name an Photo. Here is a sample page from my flagship book “If I Could Do Anything, Anything At All”

I See Me In A Boat Look! I'm In A Book Linda Hewell Maternity & Newborn Photography

I’ve just started work on my second book titled “If I Were Friends With a Chimpanzee”. If you have a few moments, hop on over to https://iminabook.com and check it out. Thanks for indulging me in this quick break from my normal posts. I’ll be back soon with more cute babies and gorgeous mummies. 😉