Beautiful newborn Studio Baby Photography: Simple Session

Newborn Studio Baby Photography

Cute Baby Alert!… This handsome guy came in for an evening Simple session and as I mainly do morning or early afternoon photo sessions for newborns, I wasn’t sure how we were going to go. But as you can see, he was wonderful! I think we only had a little moodiness mid-way through but he got over quite quickly. 

I love my Simple sessions! These sessions are mainly baby focused with simple wraps, poses, and props. I never put babies into awkward poses and always make sure they are comfortable. Most newborn babies are happy to be on their back, side, and tummy and I rarely do anything that requires the baby to be positioned in unnatural poses. This works well for not only the baby but also the parents and myself. 

I am starting to add a bit of extra colour to my shots now and I’m liking it! I will always love white, lights and neutrals, you definitely cannot go wrong with this colour scheme, but I’ve also been adding a bit more of the bolder darker colours too which I’m quite thrilled about.

So if you are booking a newborn photoshoot with me, I am more than happy to take requests of certain colours that I may not currently have, and if there is time between booking and your session date, I will absolutely be happy to source an order a new coloured blanket or wrap 🙂

Most of my Simple sessions will last about 1.5 to 2 hours. I find that usually, this is enough time to get in the required amount of shots and setups for this package. Of course, there are times when baby is just not feeling it and may need extra cuddles and food so I do allow a bit of extra time between sessions for this reason. My goal is for you to walk out of my sessions with the images in the package you have booked. If baby is having a particularly hard time due to extreme fussiness, usually due to feeling unwell, colic or reflux, and we have not been able to achieve the minimum amount of package photos, I always welcome my clients to pop back into my home studio to try again. I think this has happened 2, maybe 3 times in my whole 13 years of doing newborn photography. 

If you are currently expecting a baby soon, or have just given birth and would like to book a studio newborn session, please do get in touch with me. All my pricing can be found on my website at

Meanwhile … isn’t he just beautiful!! x

Newborn baby studio Perth