Mum wasn’t sure if she wanted her handsome little baby to have his newborn marks edited out or not. As she was unsure, we decided that I would upload his gallery without any skin retouching and then she could decide from there what she wanted to do. She ended up choosing her gallery without any skin edits <3.
It can be a hard choice for parents whether to edit or not. Almost all newborn skin has little spots, flakes and red marks, and I am totally okay with having them left in if that’s the parent’s choice. It’s what makes each baby unique. My clients can choose to have their newborns skin left alone or cleaned up a bit. My full gallery editing style is to clean up major spots and flakes but leave any smaller ones on baby’s face. I like to leave their skin with as much natural texture as possible. Flakes on hands and skin, I generally leave alone or remove the large noticeable ones. I actually really love flaky hands and feet on a baby.
Along with my client’s edited gallery (skin cleanup or not), I also offer a set amount of digital images for a full cleanup and skin polish of their favourite images. These are for parents who love that full airbrushed look on newborn images however I find the majority of my clients are more than happy with just my natural edit.
Session taken in baby’s own home with my mobile studio setup 🙂